Friday, June 19, 2009

TwitterPost: Thoughts on #FollowFriday #ff

If you're like me you've participated in the #followfriday stream and are ambivalent at times about doing so. It's a great idea. Recommending friends you enjoy following, or who have something interesting or unique to offer.

But when everyone is recommending everyone else, what's the point? #Followfriday just becomes twitter clutter & noise. And many abuse the stream, just recommending as many friends and non-friends as they possibly can in an attempt to pick up followers.

But when I try to resist the misuse… what if I offend my friends by not reciprocating? #Followfriday is a bit of a twitter addiction (wait, isn't that redundant ;-)

Let's get back to the original spirit of #followfriday. Recommend new friends to your current followers, or maybe folks who need more followers, or those who have something interesting, unique or different to offer your friends, or those who are good at engaging or conversation.

And let's not worry about reciprocation – so the #followfriday or #ff stream will be more meaningful.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Following Iranian Developments…

Here are web locations to follow current developments in Iran:

Real-time coverage: Mousavi ready for TV, calls for more protests at

Tehran Bureau Site is back up at this location -

Live Now: Riot in Iran, Mousavi Arrested -

Iran Unrest - twazzup -

Huffington Post: Iran Updates: Live-Blogging The Uprising

On Twitter green = #Iranelection

More as I find them…